Wednesday 16 June 2010

Food & Internship!

So, this week:
Monday: Already posted on this, but just to reiterate. I went to class & learned about London a bit. During lunch break I ate a free meal from a Hare Krishna outside of SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), which is near where my class is. It was a delicious curry, rice, and cake. All the food he serves is vegan, he has loads of it, and he is there everyday! I will remember to take a photo next week to post. And he gives everyone monster portions - there was no way that I was going to finish that! Later in the evening I saw the play, 'All My Sons.'
Tuesday: First day of work this week - it went pretty well. I am really starting to see how I am going to approach my tasks. By the way, if anyone is interested, I am working with the charity, FoodCycle ( I will probably have more details later on, but I haven't asked them yet what kind of details I am allowed to post online. I don't want to give any secrets away. But, I can tell you what they do. They take surplus food from grocery stores that would usually end up in the bin, and use donated kitchen space and volunteers to make it into VEGETARIAN meals for people affected by food poverty. How awesome is that.
Today, I also wanted to post some photos and descriptions of what I have been eating here. Being vegan in London is one of the most amazing experiences ever. There are so many food options. I just received my 'Vegetarian Guide to London,' so I am beginning to plan out what I am going to eat.
In the evening, I walked down to Trafalgar Square and Parliament with Heidi, Elizabeth, Lindsay, and Heidi. (Even though you probably don't know these people, just assume that I do).

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