Thursday 24 June 2010

Meet at the Lion's Testicles?

Apparently this is a legitimate place to meet for class. For class on Monday, we walked down the South Bank of the Thames River. This is where we met for the walking portion of class:
Classy, right? Apparently there is a story that medical students at St. Thomas' hospital (that's Florence Nightingale's hospital) in London come and steal the lion's testicles after their exams every year. If this is actually true, they are readily replaced. As we walked down the South Bank, we came to a grassy area, and there were so many strange people sleeping outside. Here are photos of some of them:
I think he was my favourite - I mean, look at that classy belt and funky socks!

Now, I'm really not sure what this guy's problem was. Is he drunk? Did he just get really tired, really fast? Was he ill? I'm not sure, but it looked pretty unusual. The funny part was that nobody else seemed concerned.

Here's a few more. What are these people thinking? Do they sleep at night? If not, they chose an odd place to be nocturnal.

Moving on to a new topic, here is one of my typical breakfasts when I eat in my room. It's cheerios, chopped apple, almonds, and vegan rice pudding from Whole Foods. Yum!

On Tuesday night, Heidi and I went to a Lebanese restaurant called Levant on Wigmore St. It was super classy - there were rose petals on the table! I had a tabouleh salad (on the left), and hummus (creamy tan stuff on the right). We also got fresh, puffy pitta bread, which was soooo good! The rose wine wasn't bad either.

Other than all of that stuff, I have been pretty busy with my internship. I attended a nutrition seminar yesterday at City University in London. I felt like such a professional! It was great to go to and I think that I got some great ideas to incorporate into my work with FoodCycle. Oh, and by the way if you haven't voted for us yet online, check my twitter for the link and vote. We could win $25,000! This weekend I'm off to Wales on Saturday through Sunday - I will be sure to post photos from that as soon as I am able to!

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